URGENT: Humanitarian pause agreed in Gaza to administer hundreds of thousands of Polio vaccines to the children, after a child was diagnosed for the first time in 25+ years! 

With this pause, albeit temporary and limited by area, our teams will be able to push through and deliver as much relief as possible, but this cannot happen without you, our amazing supporters. 

MATW's CEO Mahmoud Ismail and our ambassador Zak have already flown out and are on the ground packing vital relief in the form of lifesaving food packs which are now on the way to the besieged enclave. 

With a pause looming, we want to send more trucks throughout Gaza: south, central and north where many are sadly facing devastating hunger.

96% of Gaza's entire population are facing food shortages. Starvation is rapidly increasing and there is wide-spread panic and desperation to find food.

Children are the worst affected! As severe hunger spreads throughout the camps causing acute malnutrition, children and infants become especially vulnerable. Mothers are burying their newborn babies and children are withering away, standing in line for hours begging for food. 

Some will face certain pain and possibly death without immediate help and intervention!

 Palestinians Need Us Urgently

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: 
"Charity does not in any way decrease wealth." [Muslim] 

We operate on a 100% Donation Policy so rest assured, 100% of your contributions will reach the Palestinian people directly. This project is also Zakat Applicable. 

Palestine is on the brink of FAMINE
2.3 million+ are now STARVING
They're waiting for HELP

The situation is CRITICAL as dozens are dying of hunger every single week. We must respond and show MERCY and we must do it now. 

MATW are on the ground in Palestine and also at the borders in Jordan and Egypt delivering lifesaving humanitarian assistance to the Palestinians. 

Please donate £500, £250, £100 or whatever you can afford as this assistance will go a long way in relieving the pain and distress of orphans, widows and the elderly. 

Men, women and children are perishing in Palestine every single day, due to the war, starvation, thirst, disease and the cold. This is a calamity beyond imagination and if we don't continue to respond urgently to this disaster, many more will sadly die. 

Please donate £500, £250, £100, £50 or whatever you can afford to our Palestine Emergency Appeal so we can continue to deliver medical kits, food packs, hot meals and fuel to the displaced Palestinians in need. 

Palestinians desperately await for food deliveries so they can survive. 

Your Sadaqah & Zakah can support many families in need, by satisfying their hunger, quenching their thirst, relieving their distress and giving them hope. In the process, your scales of good deeds will overflow with beautiful rewards from the Almighty, the one who blessed you with all that you own.

specialist teams responded and continue to respond to this emergency. Our work on the ground has saved countless lives, thanks to your priceless donations. 


There are just some forms of the many forms of humanitarian relief and essential supplies we've delivered to Palestine. Not only do we operate from the ground, we also send assistance from Jordan and Egypt, with teams travelling out regularly to assist in these lifesaving efforts. 

Sadly, with 2.3 million currently requiring humanitarian support, the need on the ground is truly unimaginable. We will continue our efforts but we require your attention urgently. 

Without constant deliveries of relief in the form of food, water and medication, many people will continue to experience pain, hardships and unbearable trauma.

Please make a generous donation today for Emergency Relief which can save lives and relieve the distress of the Palestinian people.

By coming together, we can provide comfort and hope to those who have been affected by this tragedy.

£250 can save a family in Palestine.

Your support is truly priceless. 

Invest With Allah For Priceless Returns

Allah (s.w.t.) says in the Quran:
“Who will lend Allah a good loan so that he can increase it many times?”

(Qur'an Chapter 2 | Verse 245)

Take that step to generously loan your Creator, the one who blessed you with all that you own, a goodly loan which will be returned back to you manifold, in this life and the hereafter. 

Your generosity can make a massive difference in the lives of many Palestinian children and orphans who rely heavily on humanitarian support, to lift them out of the burdens and agonies of this devastating trial. 

They're hungry, cold, thirsty, scared, displaced and wondering what hope they have for a future of safety, happiness and security, like every child deserves. 

save our children

We operate on a 100% Donation Policy so rest assured, 100% of your contributions will reach the Palestinian people directly. This project is also Zakat Applicable. 

What's happening in Palestine is truly unprecedented. It is one of the worst disasters we've ever come across. The levels of hunger, thirst and displacement are truly unimaginable. 

We're so blessed to be able to eat whatever we want every single day. The Palestinians are sadly going many days without food. We're so blessed to be kept warm every night. The Palestinians are shivering due to bone-chilling temperatures in the night. We're so blessed to live in safety and security. The Palestinians on the other hand fear for their lives every single day. 

Putting our blessings aside, here are three reasons why you should consider making a donation to MATW's lifesaving Emergency Appeal for Palestine, even if you have previously contributed to this vital cause. 

By donating today, you can earn amazing rewards for helping the needy and oppressed Palestinians who rely on relief for survival.
Palestinians are in urgent need of this support. Your generosity can relieve their distress and save lives.
By supporting the needy and destitute, they will be so grateful and will remember you in their duas every single time they receive aid.

What's happening in Palestine is truly unprecedented. It is one of the worst disasters we've ever come across. The levels of hunger, thirst and displacement are truly unimaginable. 

We're so blessed to be able to eat whatever we want every single day. The Palestinians are sadly going many days without food. We're so blessed to be kept warm every night. The Palestinians are shivering due to bone-chilling temperatures in the night. We're so blessed to live in safety and security. The Palestinians on the other hand fear for their lives every single day. 

Putting our blessings aside, here are three reasons why you should consider making a donation to MATW's lifesaving Emergency Appeal for Palestine, even if you have previously contributed to this vital cause. 

We pray for the Palestinians to one day live a prosperous life full of peace, smiles and happiness. We ask you to pray for their safety and security, and to pray for our teams worldwide who are tasked with delivering your trusted donations to the recipients and beneficiaries who need it the most. 

100% Donation Policy

MATW Project is a UK Registered Charity (1201110)
 275 Featherstall Road North Oldham OL1 2NJ